Monday, August 16, 2010

Award :) and a little rant


Yayyy!!! (who is AWESOME and I always enjoy reading her blog so follow her! You won't be disappointed!) gave me the Best Beauty Blogger Award.

I just started this blog not so long ago and I am getting comments and recommendations from readers! I am very thankful. I really enjoy writing but reading as well. It is such an escape for me.

I started school today. It was a very long day... I was frustrated, hot ( I hate this hot weather), sleepy which I haven't done much lately. The first day should be a breeze right? It wasn't even stress about "school" is the ppl surrounding me. The campus being so packed, waiting long lines and disorganization of my semi-independent math class I am taking plus trying to have a nice lunch with my friend and the whole time she spent it on the phone with her dumb ass bf cause he was mad about some bullshit that didn't even make sense >:x.

Just coming here and knowing about getting the award brighten up my day :).

NOw, I give this award to the following-


  1. Glad it cheered you up :) you deserve it :) love your blog! xx

  2. Well done on the award! I know what you mean though, starting back at Uni does that to me too haha!
    Check out my blog if you have time chick :)

    Jenn xx
